17 weeks along!
21 weeks!
Our Ultrasound. The Dr. first thought it was a girl...then he realized he was looking at the bum and decided it was actually a boy. We're sooo excited for our little guy to get here. Matt's pretty happy to have a boy first. We're naming Maxwell Kenneth. Kenneth is my dad's middle name and Maxwell was just a good strong name that we both liked a lot. Our little Max is due to arrive on June 3rd. So far pregnancy hasn't been my favorite thing...but the blessing of a baby far out weighs the discomfort of pregnancy. I meant to post this about 2 months ago but because my internet was being so slow, I gave up. so I'm a little further along than the pictures show. I'll be 28 weeks on wednesday. Walking sometimes is difficult, I waddle...embarrassing! And sleep is almost always difficult. I feel the baby kick all the time and it's so fun. Matt loves to feel him kick. Max gets hiccups sometimes and that always makes us laugh. Our favorite thing is when the baby kicks hard enough for us to see my whole belly shake because of it. So fun! We already love our little guy so much. I watch a baby story on TLC...a lot and I just get so excited at the idea of holding my little baby in my arms. I just know I'm going to love him more than I ever thought possible. June 3rd can't get here soon enough. I know life will change so much for us...but we're doing our best to prepare. We can't wait for the sweet addition to our family! And I can't wait to see what he looks like!!! I'd be alright if he looked just like Matt...cause Matt was soo stinkin' adorable when he was little. We even think there;s a chance he'll have red or strawberry blonde hair because my hair is naturally pretty light hair and Matt had red hair as a kid and it still shows a lot in the summer, plus his facial hair is very red. So we'll see. Anyway, that's our update for now. I'll try to be better at posting more regularly.